Research Indicates Your Wedding Should be Huge



If you’re currently in the planning stages for a wedding, there is some interesting news out of the United States that you might want to pay close attention to. A study conducted at the University of Virginia in the United States recently revealed that large weddings are an influencing factor in the longevity of a marriage. As a portion of a continued research project in the US called the National Marriage Project, various institutions around the country have studied different aspects of nuptials since 1997.

Nonetheless, no concrete causation has been determined thus far, it’s assumed that the stability seemingly borne from big weddings comes from the notion that marrying in front of more people shows a stronger commitment to one’s partner.


Lead study author Dr Galena Rhoades said, “We try to keep our present attitudes and behaviours in line with our past conduct. The desire for consistency is likely enhanced by public expressions of intention.” Therefore, this means that the more people you say your vows in front of the more likely you are to maintain a marriage.

On the other hand, as pointed out by Brad Wilcox, director of the National Marriage Project, “Couples with larger networks of friends and family may have more help and encouragement in navigating the challenges of married life.

The study itself surveyed 418 people from a random sampling. From those who had 50 or fewer wedding guests in attendance, 30 per cent perceived their marriages to be highly successful. Conversely, those who reported in excess of 150 guests were found to have positive marriages at a rate of 47 per cent.

While the divorce rate is currently around 20 per cent lower than it was just over a decade ago and still dropping, the current estimate is still that an abysmal 42 per cent of marriages will end in divorce.

Maybe it’s about time we do something about these painful statistics and start throwing the biggest weddings possible: The benefits would be twofold. First, marriages would be statistically more likely to be considered “highly successful” and, second, big weddings are an absolute blast to attend.