Honeymoon Tips: Keep your Rings Safe


Coming off of that wedding high is bound to have you staring at that bling on your left hand. As you take off on your honeymoon, be sure to take a few moments to think through some precautions for keeping your rings safe. You must remember all of the energy, deliberation and money that went into shopping for your wedding rings. After all of that, nothing would put a damper on a honeymoon quite like losing or damaging one. In case you aren’t sure where to start your ring security journey, we’re excited to help minimize that risk with a few safety tips of our own:

        1. First things first: get your rings and other expensive jewelry insured. This is something you’ll definitely want to do before jetting off on your honeymoon, and could be done before the wedding if you’re proactive! Even if you think you’ll never take your ring off or do anything to risk losing it, accidents do happen and the best thing you can be is prepared. Both mom-and-pop and big-name insurance companies offer coverage for jewelry, so feel free to shop around and go with whatever option feels right to you.
        2. Take pictures of important jewelry before you leave. Whatever pieces of jewelry you plan to pack for your honeymoon, document with pictures and descriptions before you leave. This is crucial in case anything gets stolen or damaged along the way. It’s always a good thing to have proof of ownership for airlines or any other organization that will have your possessions in their hands while traveling. This can serve as a double check for insurance purposes as well, if something is damaged and you need proof of the state your jewelry was in prior to your departure. Even if this seems silly, keep in mind that this is a cheap way to potentially save you lots of money should anything tragic happen.
        3. Keep your rings in a safe place while traveling, especially while going through airport security where you’ll likely have to remove it to get through metal detectors. One safe place to consider keeping your important jewelry is in your carry on bag. Even flight attendants have been known to tell travelers not to put jewelry in checked luggage and to keep it on your person at all times. It just helps avoid unnecessary risks as we’ve all heard horror stories of lost bags while traveling through airports.
        4. While on your honeymoon, make sure to take your rings off before getting in the water. If you are going on a tropical getaway or plan to swim in any body of water, take extra precaution for the sake of your rings. If you plan to swim, whether in a pool or ocean, be aware that salt water and chlorine can damage your jewelry. If you are on a honeymoon that involves swimming in natural bodies of water, it’s good to know that cold water causes your fingers to shrink. This can leave room for your rings to slip off and sink to the bottom of the ocean, lake, or river before you even notice it’s missing. To avoid all of this, remember to take your rings off before making your way to any body of water and keep them in a safe spot.
        5. Utilize hotel safes – If you are staying in a new place, consider being extra cautious by locking up your rings at night when you go to sleep. Especially if you’re new to wearing wedding rings, the last thing you want is to forget to put them back on in the morning and head out for the day with your expensive jewelry laying out in plain sight. Also, if it is your plan to leave your rings behind, ensure to keep them secure in the hotel safe. While it may seem like an unlikely circumstance to leave your wedding rings behind as you venture out on your honeymoon, think back to the last point about swimming. If you know you’re heading off to the beach or pool and will be taking your rings off to avoid losing them in the water, think twice and consider locking your rings up in the hotel safe. Leaving your rings unattended with other things on the beach or pool as you galavant in the water creates a great opportunity for pickpockets to run off with your prized possessions. If you are worried about showing off that you’re on your honeymoon via a ring on both of your ring fingers, look into purchasing silicone rings for these times away from your rings.