How To Lose Weight For Your Wedding Day



You want to look perfect on the most important day of your life – your wedding day. Don’t you? But what to do if you don’t fit in your dream wedding dress?

Many brides try to lose weight before their big day, but it’s not an easy task. Here are a few ideas how to shed off those extra pounds and look your best just in time for the nuptials.

Time Your Weight Loss Perfectly

Depending on how much time you have left until your wedding you have to plan carefully. You don’t want to start an extreme weight loss diet months before the wedding only to give up a few weeks from the event and eat back all the pounds you have lost. Some things, like diet supplements that help your weight loss along, and picking out the right dress that makes you look thinner should be done in advance, while some tricks should be left for the final day.

Long Term Weight Loss

If you have plenty of time, take it slow in the beginning. Drink plenty of water, try to eat healthier than before and start working out a couple of times a week. You may even want to pick a diet and stick to it, this way it’s easier for you to know what to eat and when. The Mediterranean diet and The Atkins diet are quite easy to follow and give great results long term. DO NOT start any extreme diets which only allow you 500 calories per day or even less, these will backfire on you.

Last Week Or Two

If you have limited time, you need to use a different strategy. You must be stricter with yourself on the last week of wedding preparations. The fact that you are already excited and nervous will work in your favour – you won’t have time to eat too much and you may lose your appetite altogether.

Only drink water, tea and coffee (without cream or sugar). There are a lot of calories in beverages and there may also be carbs and sodium which will retain water, making you look bloated.

Forget about pasta, white bread and other white grain foods. The simple carbs in these foods also cause bloating, plus they give a lot of calories. It’s best if you don’t even substitute them with whole grains, instead stick to veggies. Carbs in vegetables make you feel full longer and since they are made of water, they will help to flush out the excess water you have in your body.

b2ap3_thumbnail_wedding-worries.jpgSleep more. I know that this is easier said than done, especially with a wedding coming up, but do give it a try. Even an extra half hour of sleep can make you fresh so you will make better meal choices, have faster metabolism and are more energized and active. Of course, you also need your beauty sleep to look young, fresh and beautiful on your wedding day.

On The Day You Get Married

There are several small things you can do that make you look instantly slimmer. Don’t have coffee in the morning or during the day, it can retrain water. Be sure to stand up straight, shoulders back and suck in your belly (use a corset if you have to). Take a chewable anti gas pill, it breaks ups gas bubbles and keeps your stomach flat. Of course, wear perfectly fitting underwear and make sure your dress is just the right size. You may want to wear heels and your hair up to look taller and slimmer.

And what’s most important – Smile! You will look thinner, happier, more beautiful when you smile. And you sure have a lot to smile about on that very special day.